Lowongan Kerja Sales Manager - AGRO BOGA UTAMA, PT

Posted by LOKER LOMBA on Sabtu, 19 September 2015


We are looking for suitable candidates to join with us as :

Sales Manager " BALIKPAPAN "

Job Description :
  • Determining the promotion system to ensure achievement of sales targets
  • Monitor and summarize the acquisition order forecast to ensure optimal capacity unfilled quotas
  • Monitor the amount of stock throughout Dept. Sales & Marketing to ensure the life of the companystock does not exceed the predetermined targets.
  • Analyze and develop a marketing strategy to increase the number of customers and the area in keeping with the targets set
  • Analyze and provide direction design and color development, to ensure the development ofproducts according to market needs
  • To evaluate customer satisfaction survey of the entire sales team to ensure achievement ofcustomer satisfaction targets specified
  • Applying culture, systems, and internal company regulations and implement cost management, toensure the corporate culture and systems and regulatory run optimally
Bagi kandidat yang berminat dan memenuhi persyaratan di atas, harap kirimkan surat lamaran lengkap (CV + photo) melalui email max 300Kb ke recruitment@agrobogautama.co.id ataudengan menggunakan tombol "APPLY NOW" di bawah ini

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Website : www.agrobogautama.co.id

Sumber : id.jobsdb.com

Blog, Updated at: 19.35